
Alhamisi, 24 Oktoba 2013


By God's messenger Eric Kagisa

Come and drink from me, from the living waters that are within you. I am inside of you and always reachable. You just have to reach within whenever you are in need. I am here for you and I will supply all of your needs. When you are feeling down and you cannot go any further, know that I am here and ready strengthen you. Reach in and drink from my waters.

Not only will I fill you up, but I will fill you up with abundance so that you can fill the needs of others. When you are satisfied and filled with my waters, so too will the fruit of my spirit manifest in your life. Then not only will you be satisfied, but others will come to your light.

So come to me now and I will lead you to green pastures and beside the quiet waters. I will fill every void that you have and fill you up to overflowing. Come now my child and drink from the living waters that are within you. Amen.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni