
Alhamisi, 31 Oktoba 2013


Vision As God Vision's You
God says he is the father that will never let you down. He is a groom that will meet your 
every need. He is a  friend that will remain by your side. No matter where you
go today and no matter what obstacles you face, know that He is always with you my child.
He takes you in the palm of his hand and he sees that you are perfectly and wonder
fully made. As a proud father, He holds you up to the world so that they can see 
how precious you are. He Holds you tenderly and as He looks at you, He sees the 
treasures and the good things He has put into your life.So why then  child of God, do you always see the shortcomings and the things that
are not good in your life. Why do you continue to see the Evil and  Disappointment? For when God looks at you,He does not see the areas that lack. Instead He:
see the change you have gone through. He sees the progress you have made.
He sees the times you tried with all your heart – even when you failed. Your failure
was not important to Him, but rather the heart with which you tried.
He sees how much you have done in His name,in His Glory and He sees the good things you have done. He does not dwell on the evil and so you must also not dwell on the evil. Bring all your Burdens to Him and place Them under His blood. Then see the treasures He has given to you. 
When you do this, you will start to understand the visions He has given to you.
You will understand the road He has put you on.
For God has destined blessing for you and not cursing. He see your potential and he is
making a way to bring out that potential. He is not leading you into a snare, but into a wide land. So know God's  Mind and thought  for you child of Jehovah  and see that He stretches out His hand to you in love and not in anger. Take his hand and experience his love and you will then see yourself as he sees you says the Lord.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni